Sunday, January 3, 2010

Don't Be Afraid

Don't Be Afraid To:

~Ask for help when you need it.

You may be overwhelmed taking care of your kids and just need a couple of hours to yourself. Ask a friend or co-worker to babysit. Go to the movies. Go walk around the mall. Go to the library. Go to the gym. Do nothing!
You may feel like you are losing control. Before you do, consult a therapist. If you do not have health insurance coverage, you should consult your local Community Services Board.
You may be in a bad situation and not know what your legal rights are. You should consult a lawyer. This may be a divorce lawyer, a bankruptcy lawyer, etc.
Whatever you do, don't think that if you ignore it, the problem will go away. It will just get bigger.

~To leave when you or your children are in danger.

~To say "No" to unreasonable demands.

~To take care of yourself so that you can take care or others.

~To think before you act.

~To trust yourself.

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