Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Straight Talk From Your Lawyer

I have "lost" many a client at the initial consultation (and beyond) for being bluntly honest in evaluating a case. I have been accused of being on the other party's side, of not being willing to "fight for" the client, among others. In fact, I am doing what I would want my lawyer, my doctor or any professional to do- give it to me straight. Especially in a divorce/custody case, the truth is often the last thing that a client wants to hear. It is better to hear it in the privacy of the office rather than going to court and having a judge deliver the news.

Read the following Huffington Post blog for insight from another lawyer about the issue.

9 Questions To Keep Your Divorce Lawyer Honest

There is a lot of incentive for litigation attorneys to blow sunshine up your skirt and tell you what you want to hear. In that first consultation at the beginning of your case, we lawyers are, after all, salespeople. We start with an optimistic overview of your case, and it will be awhile before we start to talk to you about any potential downside.

Plus, it's human nature to decide what you want to do, and then amass evidence supporting your position and discount evidence to the contrary. So we're going to help you do that, particularly at the beginning of your case.

Let's face it, nobody wants to hear bad news. But as an informed client, you need to be prepared for whatever might happen so that you can decide how to best handle your case.

If your lawyer is being honest, he or she will answer the following 9 questions:

  1. What is my best case scenario in this case? If the Judge agreed with everything I say, and nothing that my spouse says, what do you predict the outcome to be?
  2. What's my worst case scenario in this case? If the Judge doesn't agree with anything I say, but agrees with everything my spouse says, what do you predict the outcome to be?
  3. What's an optimistic, but realistic outcome?: Let's say the Judge agrees with a good part of what I have to say, and some of what my spouse has to say, what do you predict the outcome to be?
  4. What's a pessimistic, but realistic outcome?: If the Judge agrees with a good part of what my spouse has to say, and only some of what I have to say, what do you predict the outcome to be?
  5. Will you play devil's advocate?: Pretend for a minute that you are my spouse's attorney. What would you tell my spouse based on what you've heard today? Please do not sugar coat your "advice" to my spouse.
  6. What's the local reality?: I know you can show me copies of the law and legal cases. But based on what you're seeing down at the local courthouse, in the family court mediation and custody evaluation office, with the judges, and typical lawyer to lawyer negotiations, what are the realities of settling cases and trial outcomes? As a practical matter, what really goes on?
  7. Is it worth it to enforce my rights?: Can you quantify the amount of money which is in question? If I enforce all of my rights in this case, as opposed to settling for something less, how will that compare with the legal fees and experts' fees it will cost to get everything I'm entitled to?
  8. What's the range of cost?: If we went to court, what is the range of cost you'd see, given your experience with prior cases similar to mine, both high and low? Are you willing to put that estimate in writing?
  9. Will you put my money where your mouth is?: It sounds to me like you're pretty certain of the result you can get for me in my divorce case. Would you please put that in writing? And if you're not willing to do that, why not?

If this feels confrontational, you can feel free to print this out and hand it to your lawyer. Tell him or her that while you think it's crazy and overkill, your Huffington Post friend said to talk to them about this because it's really important.

Like I said above, there is overwhelming incentive for litigation attorneys to tell you what you want to hear. Read this "Open Letter from Your Divorce Attorney" for a real eye-opener, and the truth about why this happens all too often.

Diana Mercer is the co-author of Making Divorce Work: 8 Essential Keys to Resolving Conflict and Rebuilding Your Life (Perigee 2010). Join the conversation and community on our video blog and check out Diana's divorce blog on the Huffington Post

Follow Diana Mercer on Twitter: www.twitter.com/dianamercer

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