Monday, July 25, 2011

Choosing Sides

Today I had the experience of spending some time in the waiting area at the Newport News Juvenile & Domestic Relations District Court. It did show some examples of humanity at its worst.

First of all, a court is no place for children. Yet the waiting area was filled with kids. They were there to see their parents fight over them. Both in and out of the courtroom.

There also were the grandparents who were in charge of taking care of their grandchildren, as well as their own children- some of whom were in their 40's. No person in their 60's or 70's should have to be responsible for two generations of their family.

Worst of all were the parents who were trying to entice their children to sit with one or the other of them-to pick sides. After the sides were picked they would then look over at those on the other side conspiratorially and whisper.

Children should never be put in the middle or be made to feel like they have to pick sides. Sometimes it does not even take words to make them feel that they are being disloyal to a parent by enjoying a visit with the other parent or having a phone conversation. This is wrong! It is a parent's duty to behave appropriately and to encourage contact with and love for the other parent-even if it hurts to do it.

Should I file for Custody? -

Should I file for Custody? -

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Does either parent have the right to say who a child is allowed to be around while in their care? -

Does either parent have the right to say who a child is allowed to be around while in their care? -

Change of Sex on a Birth Certificate -

Change of Sex on a Birth Certificate -

can a father have a mother sighn a piece of paper he made up to take the child out of state and it be legal -

can a father have a mother sighn a piece of paper he made up to take the child out of state and it be legal -

What is Separate Property in Virginia? -

What is Separate Property in Virginia? -

Spousal Support in the Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court -

Spousal Support in the Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court -

Can my husband pull or have my medical records pulled for evidence in our divorce case? -

Can my husband pull or have my medical records pulled for evidence in our divorce case? -

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Grounds For Divorce in Virginia -

Grounds For Divorce in Virginia -

Divorce Revokes Beneficiary Designations in Virginia -

Divorce Revokes Beneficiary Designations in Virginia -

Illegal Marriages in Virginia -

Illegal Marriages in Virginia -

Immunity of Child Abuse Reporters in Virginia -

Immunity of Child Abuse Reporters in Virginia -

Involuntary Termination of Parental Rights in Virginia -

Involuntary Termination of Parental Rights in Virginia -

What is Domestic Violence/ Family Abuse in Virginia? -

What is Domestic Violence/ Family Abuse in Virginia? -

How to get divorced without a court when she have 2 kids before marriage? -

How to get divorced without a court when she have 2 kids before marriage? -

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Parental Drug Use as Child Abuse in Virginia -

Parental Drug Use as Child Abuse in Virginia -

What Constitutes Child Abuse or Neglect in Virginia? -

What Constitutes Child Abuse or Neglect in Virginia? -

Is there any help available for homosexual couples when one cheats on the other and leaves them with financial burdens? -

Is there any help available for homosexual couples when one cheats on the other and leaves them with financial burdens? -

Who Has To Report Child Abuse or Neglect in Virginia? -

Who Has To Report Child Abuse or Neglect in Virginia? -

Rights of Unmarried Fathers in Virginia -

Rights of Unmarried Fathers in Virginia -

Estimate Social Security Benefits

Sudden Divorce Syndrome

Divorce As A Medicaid Planning Tool

What the Social Security Administration Wants You To Do After Divorce

Virginia Putative Father Registry

The Rights of Unmarried Fathers

The Rights of Unmarried Fathers

Sunday, July 17, 2011

If Restorative Justice Was Used For Casey Anthony

If Restorative Justice Was Used to Handle Casey Anthony, the Outcome Would Be Different
Restorative Justice for Casey Anthony Would Produce a Different Outcome
Published on July 15, 2011 by Key Sun, Ph.D. in The Justice and Responsibility League

The public's reactions to the verdict of Casey Anthony trial indicate that people have the strong need for healing and closure in addition to rage, and want to understand why she did what she did (regardless of the alleged murder or concealing Caylee's death) and the role the dysfunctional family dynamics played in the crime. However, even if the court had convicted Casey of murder, it could not have addressed those psychological and emotional issues, because of the limitations of the adversarial system. Restorative justice, however, can be used to address these needs.

Restorative justice represents a relatively new and alternative approach to administer justice to adult and juvenile offenders in community and in incarceration in the United States. Restorative justice procedures usually involve a face-to-face meeting of the victim, the offender, community, and/or family members for both sides. This approach not only creates the accountability for the offenders but also gives individuals, families, and community most directly impacted by wrongdoing the opportunity to participate in the resolution process and to heal the wounds of the crime. Rooted in indigenous traditions and endorsed by the United Nations, restorative justice has been integrated into the criminal justice processes by many countries. At least 35 States in the U.S. have some legislations concerning restorative justice. However, except a few states (e.g., Minnesota, Pennsylvania) that regulate the application of restorative justice with adult offenders (in addition to the conventional justice system), most of the states (including Florida) confine the practice of restorative justice to nonviolent juvenile offenders.

There are at least three differences between restorative justice and the traditional justice:

1. Restorative justice views crime as a violation of social relationships, whereas the conventional justice system considers crime a violation against the law and society.

2, Restorative justice's primary aim is to restore the victims (broadly defined, including the families and community) materially and psychologically, whereas the conventional justice system focuses on the offender by using punishment and other retributive methods.

3. Restorative justice addresses the emotional and psychological needs of the victim, the family members and the community by creating opportunities for them to express their emotions and to confront the offender in a safe and controlled environment. The interactive communications also include the rebuttal of the offender's denial or attempt for rationalization for the crime. Consequently, the offender experiences feelings of shame regarding the offenses, accepts responsibility, sincerely apologizes, and develops commitment for change. The conventional justice process, however, does not address these psychological issues and does not believe that interpersonal interactions can change the offender. Does anyone know why about 60% convicted offenders re-offend within three years after serving time in prison? Although there are many factors influencing the result, one of the obvious reasons is that the punishment offender received does not help modify his/her distorted cognitions of social reality and does not address the emotional wounds.

If restorative justice could be used to handle Casey Anthony's crime, the most suitable modality would be the community based practice for conflict resolution or community conferencing, which involves the offender, the family members and community members with one or two mental health professionals as the facilitators.

What are the major issues if restorative justice could be applied to Casey Anthony? I think the following issues need to be included:

a) Her feeling toward her daughter Caylee Anthony, including her death.
b) The emotional reactions of the family and community members to the death.
c) Casey's relationships with her mother and father, including the issues of the alleged sexual abuse, jealousy and other dysfunctions.

In essence, effective restorative justice shares some commonality with therapeutic group processes in that it uses human interactions to assess and deal with the participants' psychological needs. The trial of Casey Anthony reveals that the prosecutor, defense lawyer, witnesses, judge and jurors are not the only players who can mete out justice, because it is the psychological mechanisms (cognition, emotions, and motivation) and human relationships that regulate people's actions and serve as a determinant of justice.

new spouse income eligible for child support -

new spouse income eligible for child support -

Social Media And Divorce -

Social Media And Divorce -

My family law attorney has ignored all the severe cruel abuse and distress happened during my 10 years of marriage is that right -

My family law attorney has ignored all the severe cruel abuse and distress happened during my 10 years of marriage is that right -

My daughters father will not see her like he should. Can I take him to court for set visitation ordered by a judge? -

My daughters father will not see her like he should. Can I take him to court for set visitation ordered by a judge? -

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Delegation of Military Visitation Rights in Virginia -

Delegation of Military Visitation Rights in Virginia -

Can my daughter's father use my Facebook statuses (rants or raves) to take custody of my daughter? -

Can my daughter's father use my Facebook statuses (rants or raves) to take custody of my daughter? -

I am the noncustodial parent. I have not seen my daughter since 2003 and at this time I do not even know where she is, her mom -

I am the noncustodial parent. I have not seen my daughter since 2003 and at this time I do not even know where she is, her mom -

Can private adoption records be subpoenaed in Virginia? -

Can private adoption records be subpoenaed in Virginia? -

my sister left her son with my mother sh ehad nothing to do with him is there a why i can legal adopt him -

my sister left her son with my mother sh ehad nothing to do with him is there a why i can legal adopt him -

Sunday, July 10, 2011

I want to know what can I ask for in court so that my son's father's girlfriend can stop butting in our co parent relationship? -

I want to know what can I ask for in court so that my son's father's girlfriend can stop butting in our co parent relationship? -

can you get ssi while preganat? -

can you get ssi while pregnant? -

I am currently getting garnished and I am wanting a divorce, it is his bill, and does not hold a steady job. -

I am currently getting garnished and I am wanting a divorce, it is his bill, and does not hold a steady job. -

What could be the possible outcome of our divorce/child custody? -

What could be the possible outcome of our divorce/child custody? -

HPV vaccine - ex-wife is mandated by divorce to provide written recommendation from primary care/pediatrician. -

HPV vaccine - ex-wife is mandated by divorce to provide written recommendation from primary care/pediatrician. -

Domestic Violence Conviction And The Servicemember (The Lautenberg Amendment) -

Domestic Violence Conviction And The Servicemember (The Lautenberg Amendment) -

My husband forge my name on court papers 7 years ago but I just found out what can I do -

My husband forge my name on court papers 7 years ago but I just found out what can I do -

My ex wife wants to put a restraining order on my fiancé so that she won't be allowed to see my son, is that possible? -

My ex wife wants to put a restraining order on my fiancé so that she won't be allowed to see my son, is that possible? -

I am planning on divorcing my husband and wondering how much I could draw on my husband's social security after divorce final. -

I am planning on divorcing my husband and wondering how much I could draw on my husband's social security after divorce final. -

Friday, July 8, 2011

My lawyer has sent my ex a letter. Can he ignore this?? -

My lawyer has sent my ex a letter. Can he ignore this?? -

My divorce lawyer doesn't speak to me about anything except accounting and now my bill is 13000. I have no clue about my divorce -

My divorce lawyer doesn't speak to me about anything except accounting and now my bill is 13000. I have no clue about my divorce -

protecting an inheritance with possible divorce looming -

protecting an inheritance with possible divorce looming -

QDRO? How do I get one and can I do it myself? -

QDRO? How do I get one and can I do it myself? -

My husband want to sell our house in a divorce we still live together. He want me to move out the house with my kids. -

My husband want to sell our house in a divorce we still live together. He want me to move out the house with my kids. -

My son has a 3 year old little boy and his father with full custody is terminally ill. My son is remarried. -

My son has a 3 year old little boy and his father with full custody is terminally ill. My son is remarried. -

I am pregnant and the ex con father abandoned me. I do not want him to ever get custody of my child, is this possible? -

I am pregnant and the ex con father abandoned me. I do not want him to ever get custody of my child, is this possible? -

Former spouse is not complying with the terms of the divorce. How do I reinstate the divorce case & file a motion to show cause? -

Former spouse is not complying with the terms of the divorce. How do I reinstate the divorce case & file a motion to show cause? -

Is testimony of police office more credible than testimony of my wife for a domestic assault case. -

Is testimony of police office more credible than testimony of my wife for a domestic assault case. -